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Receive designs, house inspections, building inspections by engineers, architects and building inspectors in Phuket.

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This logo Guaranteed quality of work Because we are a team of engineers, architects and building inspectors.

which has a license to practice controlled engineering Legal entity type from the Council of Engineers

To give customers confidence in the standards of architectural quality inspection.

Engineering, all sizes, all types.
By a team of civil engineers and joining related engineering teams

Contact to request service, call 09-2561-5692

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High-rise building inspection Phuket Check the strength
Types of buildings that need to be inspected Building inspections are necessary and should be carried out regularly. They should not be avoided just to reduce costs. In the end, when an accident or unexpected event occurs, the building owner will be responsible, which would be too much to avoid. Currently, there are 9 types of buildings that need to be inspected by law.

Be aware of the safety standards of home and building users and think that you can use your knowledge and skills from your experience in the construction and real estate development industry to raise the safety standards of residential buildings through the practice of architecture, engineering and building inspectors, which will be a part of driving all sectors to see the importance of designing, inspecting, certifying, maintaining and repairing buildings that comply with the law. According to the ministerial regulations, there must be inspections in 6 main topics as follows:

1. Building strength
2. Safety of building occupants or building users
3. Fire prevention and suppression in buildings
4. Public health and environmental quality, such as ventilation, specifying that wastewater or wastewater from buildings must go through a treatment system to become clean water before being discharged into public drainage, etc.
5. Traffic facilitation, such as specifying that certain types of buildings must have car parking spaces To prevent cars from having to park on the side of the road, which may obstruct traffic, etc.
6. Architecture, beauty, and orderliness of the city

Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692.

Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.

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A company that inspects private buildings and government office buildings.
Building Inspection

A company that inspects private buildings and government office buildings.

M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd

A company that inspects private buildings and government office buildings. Phuket. Construction consulting and project management company, Phuket Building inspection M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd : The registration Juristic number: 0835563011294 We provide building inspection services with the main objective of assessing the structural integrity and safety of building usage and the building's equipment systems. The inspector is responsible for inspecting, observing, and reporting on the structural integrity, service and convenience systems, health and environmental systems, fire prevention and suppression systems, and testing the performance of systems related to fire escape. This includes managing safety for the structural integrity and safety of the building in us.   The history and background of building inspections Under section 32, subsection (3) of the Building Control Act of 2522 B.E., as amended by the Building Control Act (Version 3) of 2536 B.E. The regulation empowers the minister to issue ministerial regulations specifying the types of buildings that must have engineering or architectural inspectors, In accordance with the circumstances. To conduct an inspection of the building and its structural condition and the building's equipment systems. For the benefit of structural stability and safety in building usage, to request a certification of building inspection. Otherwise, it may be subject to penalties under Sections 46 and 55 of the Building Control Act, to the extent of closure and prohibition of the entire building or certain parts of the building. And shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 3 months, a fine not exceeding 60,000 Baht, or both imprisonment and fine, with an additional daily fine of 10,000 Baht until the inspection and report are completed and submitted to the local authorities with effect on the 9 types of buildings, subsequent to the announcement in the Royal Gazette on December 29, 2548 B.E., within a period of 2 years   Buildings that require inspection according to the Building Control Act. There are a total of 9 types of buildings within the scope of the inspection., including: High-rise buildings (with a height of 23 meters or more) Large extra building (buildings with a total floor area of 10,000 square meters or more) Assembly Buildings with an area of 1,000 square meters or more, or with a capacity for 500 people or more. Theaters Hotels with a minimum of 80 rooms or more. entertainment spot with an area of 200 square meters or more. Condominiums or residential buildings (dormitories, apartments) with an area of 2,000 square meters or more. **** Building in the 7th tier has a provision, transitory, except for 7 years from the date of the Ministry's regulation announced on October 25, 2005, For areas between 2,000-5,000 square meters and except for 5 years for buildings exceeding 5,000 square meters. **** Factory buildings with a height of more than 1 floor and an area of 5,000 square meters or more. Signs or structures built for installation or erection, which have a height of 15 meters or more from the ground, or an area of 50 square meters or more, or signs installed on roofs or canopies with an area of 25 square meters or more.   Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692. Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.

Reparation for existing building structures Phuket.
Building Inspection

Reparation for existing building structures Phuket.

M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd

Reparation for existing building structures Phuket. Wear or failure of structural we can be categorized into 3 cases based on the failure causes. The structural failure is due to changes in usage, The building was constructed to be a residence. However, after its opening, there was a change in usage to a shop house. The change in usage involves adding additional load to the structure. This is the cause that resulted in structural wear or failure. Therefore, it is advisable to repair and reinforce the structure to have a load-bearing capacity at least equal to the original structure before failure.     Structural failure due to a fire Structures that have been exposed to fire for an extended period often lose strength in supporting weight. Although, concrete has insulating properties and can withstand heat well. However, when concrete is exposed to prolonged high temperatures, it may lose adhesion, peel off, and break. Making the internal reinforcing steel directly heat-resistant. When the reinforcing steel is exposed to high temperatures up to 425 degrees Celsius, the strength of the reinforcing steel rapidly decreases, leading to structural failure. Therefore, repairing structures damaged by fire is a reinforcement of the structural strength to restore it to its original condition, ensuring safety for future use or enhancing its strength beyond the original specifications.   The most frequently encountered structural damage. It is a condition known as "explosive spalling or bursting of concrete cover" or "concrete spalling which occurs when concrete has visible cracks or has a minimal concrete covering, allowing water or moisture to penetrate through to the reinforcing steel, causing corrosion. The corrosion can force the concrete to crack, chip, or spall, leading to potential structural damage. The repair process depends on the extent of damage to the reinforcing steel and the quality of the concrete.   Methods for Repairing Columns: There are various methods for repairing columns, depending on the nature of the damage, such as:   Enlarge the cross-sectional area of the column and beam to make them larger. Increase the covering distance for the concrete of columns and beams. Increase the shear reinforcement to enhance the shear capacity for added strength against shear forces. Implement various protective systems to prevent additional corrosion in the future. Steps for Repairing Concrete Columns and Beams   Remove the damaged or deteriorated concrete completely. If it is necessary to remove a significant amount of concrete from columns or beams, resulting in a substantial loss of the concrete cross-section, temporary supports must be installed during the repair process. Remove all rusted portions of the steel bar. If the corrosion exceeds 15% of the cross-sectional area of the steel bar, new reinforcing steel splices must be welded in as replacements. The size of the new reinforcing steel should not be smaller than the original. If using the original reinforcing steel, apply an anti-corrosion solution to prevent further rusting in the steel. Perform formwork or enter the construction form before closing. Before closing the formwork, apply a concrete bonding agent. Repair the structure with Repaired Mortar according to the company's specified proportions, which consist of grout, structural lime, and aggregate (stone chips). This can be done using the concrete formwork closure method or by coating with Repaired Mortar Wait for the specified demolding time and proceed to plaster the surface with lime until it is smooth.   Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692. Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.

Home Inspection Company Phuket Home Inspection Company Phuket
Building Inspection

Home Inspection Company Phuket Home Inspection Company Phuket

M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd

Home Inspection Company Phuket Home Inspection Company Phuket M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd : The registration Juristic number: 0835563011294. We specialize in design and construction services, factory contracting, offices, establishment of factory systems, warehouse design, condominium and resort construction, house building, and building renovations for both offices and residences with certified safety assurance by chartered architect and Senior professional civil engineer who are experts in the field. We have years of experience in the construction industry, making us experts in the field. This expertise enables us to provide consultation and plan work that is well-suited to a reasonable budget, within the specified timeframe for each construction project The engineering and architect team will meet with the client, ready to conduct on-site surveys to gather design-relevant information according to the client's requirements. When the customer agrees, we will sign the contract to formalize the agreement. We will then proceed with designing, drafting plans, and creating 3D models, along with estimating the budget. The engineering team, on behalf of the company, manages the entire process, taking responsibility and control for both the design and construction phases. We oversee every step until completion, ensuring the efficient delivery of results to our clients We design and draft factory plans, submit construction drawings (for permit applications and Bill of Quantities), and prepare essential documents related to building construction. This includes detailed explanations, construction materials, and comprehensive cost estimates until project completion   Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692. Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.

Check houses and buildings before transferring. Phuket
Building Inspection

Check houses and buildings before transferring. Phuket

M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd

Check houses and buildings before transferring. Phuket. Accept house and condo inspections in Phuket and the South. M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd : The registration Juristic number: 0835563011294. We provide construction management services, and the approach to construction management can vary depending on the owner's requirements. The construction manager may come from the design team or be an engineer hired by the project owner to oversee the work on that specific project. The responsibilities in construction management include: Construction supervision to ensure that it complies with all the details and specifications in the construction contract according to industry standards. In cases where the drawings or specifications have discrepancies or can be reasonably anticipated that, even though the work may conform to the drawings, details, and specifications in the contract, upon completion, it is not durable, structurally sound, does not meet industry standards, or is not safe, stop work in that area until a resolution is reached. Record the daily work activities of the contractor and environmental events, along with the results of the work or any work stoppages and the reasons for the stoppages. Provide guidance on carrying out construction work in accordance with best practices. Provide periodic progress reports and promptly inform engineers of any construction deviations from the original design. Coordinate to eliminate conflicts that arise in the construction work. Monitor and inspect the work of the contractor to ensure it aligns with the specified plans, in order to track progress or identify any delays in the construction work. Inspect and oversee safety practices in the workplace.   Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692. Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.

Accepting inspections of Phuket hotel buildings
Building Inspection

Accepting inspections of Phuket hotel buildings

M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.,Ltd

Accepting inspections of Phuket hotel buildings Accepting inspections of Phuket hotels M.A.N. Building inspection & Design Co.Ltd : The registration Juristic number: 0835563011294 Schmidt Rebound Hammer Testing Steel scanning works to determine the location   Steel scanning allows us to know the location. Size and spacing of reinforcing steel in concrete for design or drilling into the floor for additions. It takes an expert to test. Schmidt Hammer Test Phuket   Testing the compressive strength of concrete can be done through various methods, including both destructive and non-destructive approaches. The use of the Schmidt Rebound Hammer falls under the category of non-destructive testing (NDT), which was developed by German engineers in 1948. It relies on the principle of mass-spring reflection, and the result displayed on the indicator is known as the Rebound Number. This value is then compared with a table to determine the corresponding Compressive Strength. This process adheres to the standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C805.   Testing the compressive strength of concrete using the Schmidt Rebound Hammer is a widely used method nowadays due to its convenience and speed in data collection. However, it has limitations, such as requiring a smooth surface with a minimum thickness of 10 centimeters. Testing Procedure:   Inspect the condition of the surface to be tested. The surface for testing must be smoothed, as uneven surfaces may yield lower Rebound Numbers, while rough surfaces may result in higher Rebound Numbers. Specify the test positions for 16 points, with each point separated by at least 30 mm, as illustrated in the diagram.   Conduct the test using the Rebound Hammer perpendicular to the surface being tested. Record the Rebound Number and the direction of compression, considering four directions: upward, downward, parallel to the surface, and at a 45° angle to the surface. During the test, press the Plunger of the Rebound Hammer against the surface of the concrete until it makes contact and generates an internal impact sound. Note the resulting Rebound Number. On average, the Rebound Number of all 16 values should not deviate by more than ±7 from the mean Rebound Number. If the Rebound Numbers obtained from the test differ from the mean by more than ±7, the data for that test cannot be used to calculate the average. A new test must be conducted, using a different surface for testing, and ensuring it is at least 30 mm away from the previously tested locations, until all values fall within the ±7 range of the mean. Convert the average Rebound Number and the corresponding testing directions into Compressive Strength values by comparing them with the graph illustrating the relationship between Compressive Strength and Rebound Number.   Contact us. (Tel). 09-2561-5692. Line ID@manbuilding , Office hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 - 17:00.